'What drains you of energy and how do you get it back?'
Rosi Croom aka Autumnmusic new project, Mythology, is a crowd sourced musical album and anthology of stories celebrating the power, colour and vulnerability of women/HUMANS everywhere.
Using 12 songs as monthly chapter headers she will reach out TO YOU to share your own experiences. She will then weave these stories into her music whilst publishing each story on its own instagram page found here. Additionally myself, Katherine McDermid-Smith, Bethany Rose and Nadia Clifford will collaborate with Autumnmusic each month and respond to your stories through photography, illustration, poetry and performance to make a truly communal body of work.
The video and stills from the piece is my response to the stories I read which spoke to me about frustration and resentment for their current situation, craving a change, and taking control of something. Many of them talked about using up energy, getting their creativity out in dance, song or music, and so that is what I did. I wanted to create a piece that looked like a home video of me dancing in my bedroom, alone, with no care in the world, and with nobody watching.
Rosi Croom aka Autumnmusic new project, Mythology, is a crowd sourced musical album and anthology of stories celebrating the power, colour and vulnerability of women/HUMANS everywhere.
Using 12 songs as monthly chapter headers she will reach out TO YOU to share your own experiences. She will then weave these stories into her music whilst publishing each story on its own instagram page found here. Additionally myself, Katherine McDermid-Smith, Bethany Rose and Nadia Clifford will collaborate with Autumnmusic each month and respond to your stories through photography, illustration, poetry and performance to make a truly communal body of work.
These images are my response to the stories submitted in the first month where Rosi asked ‘Have you ever been judged unfairly by your appearance?’
Promotional shots with Jess Latowicki